

People likes beach!!!!!


I was writing for people who likes beach but don’t get turn burn.

Hello!! I’m Miharu^^

Typhoon is coming these day. So how’s going everyone these day?

This summer is last long vacation for me. So I want to do any interesting.

By the way, Today’s topic is Whirling tides cruise where we went last day, that is very popular for seminar student.

People who don’t like to get sun burn but likes beach should read this blog.

Suddenly, do you know Naruto whirling tides? In briefly, it’s showing in this picture.


It’s the biggest whirling tides in the world and diameter is 30.

This picture was taken in cruise.

You can watch whirling tides close.



You can access in HP here.






 There were some relaxing space.

There were some table and bench so you can relax and enjoy talking with your friends there until coming whirling tides.


 Like that, it was really dynamic spray. After that you can watch sunset, it was really beautiful.  


Fundamentally Awaji is really famous about beach but whirling cruise is really good thing.

This cruise is shipping in each times, so you can watch a lots of landscape.


Whirling tides crise.(http://www.uzu-shio.com/sp/)

you should watch this one. Thank you for reading this blog.



 - 淡路島